Monday, January 02, 2012

Party like it's 2012

Goodbye 2011, hello 2012!

2011 is a roller coaster of emotions. But no matter how many challenges I encountered, disappointment and loneliness I experienced, the best thing is I ended up the year with a happy disposition and positive vibes. This crazy roller coaster ride made me realize a lot of things. Those are things that taught me a lesson in life. There are also a lot of things to thank for in 2011. First, I would like to thank God for giving me another year to grow and be mature, another year to experience new things and most especially be with the people I love. Thank you for continuing to shower us with blessings that gave us the chance to share it with others. Thank you to my parents who never fails to support me and love me. To my friends who always puts a smile to my face and makes me literally to laugh out loud. I couldn't mention you one by one. You know that you'll always be in my heart. I would like to say sorry to the people I have hurt and I am forgiving those people who hurt me. Let's just spread the LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this 2012.

2011 has been a great year and I'm looking forward to greater things that 2012 has to offer. I hope that there would be more laughters, surprises and blessings to come. Let's start this year with good vibes.

Have a fantastic start of new year.
Be happy and smile!

Share your thoughts dear friends...

our classes will resume today. gotta go!. i need to prepare for school. take care and don't forget to put a smile on your faces. :)

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