Saturday, September 01, 2012

BTS: Class Picture

This post is dedicated to my classmates: AM4E

The Girls


The Boys

The Whole Class

class picture photographer: Gian Tancontian
BTS photos by: James Ang (brother of Janine Ang)

I know we're no all close but I still love you guys. You always make me feel and the rest of my "barkada" that we belong. Never namin nafeel na we came from other section before. Clarence and others always invites us to go here and there pero hindi kami nakakasama. But that doesn't mean that we don't like to be with you. I am happy that you were my classmates on my senior year in Ateneo. You're the best. I hope we get to bond more guys.

It's really more GAHOT  in 4E.

much love to Ms. Carmela Olipas
(the "Anne Curtis" of 4E)


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