Friday, January 27, 2012

Leisure and Pleasure Day

When the year 2012 started, I planned to have a LEISURE AND PLEASURE DAY! once a month. A day that I can treat myself through eating at a fancy restaurant and buy some new thing for myself. I'm glad that some of my classmates share the same idea with me. I'm not anymore worried whom I would ask for company.

And for the month of JANUARY,
our first stop is........
Mamma Maria's Pizzeria @ GMall Davao The Peak

while waiting for our order, we wrote something on our plain white plates

Pizza Fantastico
smile first before you eat

Cheena, Me, Hazel
It was supposed to be on a "Wash-Day" but 1 of our classmates is not available. I suggested that we will move it the next week but they opted to have it on friday. (and majority wins!) 

We only had a little time to enjoy because we still have classes afterwards.
The best thing is....our tummys were  full.

much love,

1 comment:

  1. Please do join my blog giveaway. 2500 pesos worth of prizes :)
