Monday, January 23, 2012

Library Hangout

I would like to share to you one of my activities in school every semester....

 I'm working in the ADDU library as a student assistant..

Wonder why I'm working there? here's the story..

Before I finished my enrollment  in Ateneo de Davao University,  I applied first for their Scholaship Program. I'm frotunate enough that my application was accepetd and the scholarship was granted to me. In return of this Scholarship, I am asked to work for 30 hours every semester. During my freshmen days, i tried working on some offices like Campus Ministry and FYDP. But the only working place that I'm comfortable with is th LIBRARY. So since then, I regularly work in our library specifically on the Filipiniana and Reference Section. The palce is so serene and the one supervising me is not stict.  (FYI: I can work for a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 4 hours a day. The date  and time is my choice. I just work whenever I have free time or whenever I wanted. No Pressure!)

When I'm Not doing something or if I'm already done with the things assigned to me, BOREDOM strikes...
and this is what I do...TAKING PICTURES!

the things I need for covering books

the books I covered that day

removing call numbers. they will be replaced with new ones.

tally sheet for borrowed books

Scholar Service Time Record (SSTR)-- i record my working hours here.

I'm not really good at taking photos. haha. 

Spice Up!


  1. Must be fun working in a library. At least, it would be for me since I'm such a bookworm. XD You could learn one thing per book. :>

    1. yah! it's fun. i'm not really a book worm but i like reading books. i am planning to have a mini library in my dream house in the future....

  2. sherny! di lagi kita makita :( i'm always at the library gud sa 2nd floor. san ka bnda?

    1. hi al!! hehe. sa 3rd floor lang ako filipiniana.
