Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Blog Address

I have been thinking about my blog this week. This blog has been outdated. No recent blog post. I am planning to revamp my blog but I cannot come up with an idea yet. And so, I thought of changing my blog title or changing my blog address. After so much thinking, I have decided to change my blog address rather than change my blog title. I am not really good at giving adorable titles :(  so it's hard for me to think of another one.

This blog title really sounds familiar. I know it's not unique and original but I love it. I wanted my blog title to start with the letter S because my name starts with this letter.
 And this came out to my mind first "spice up your life :)".
This really suits the reason why I decided to keep this blog posted.
(FYI: this blog was created for school purposes. read my first post HERE)
I wanted to spice up my life through blogging.
I hope that in the years to come, I would become a better and more responsible blogger.

By the way, my new blog address is

                                                                                                                          love lots,

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