Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Part II

As promised, I'm gonna posts some pictures taken on the second day of our shooting. YEY!

We had a very long day that time. Since we didn't prepare any script, everything was impromptu.
Much time was wasted because we didn't plan ahead. Our minds were blank and can't think of any concept.
But thank God, we still finished it that day.
The shoot was done at about 7pm already.
We are really exhausted at the end of the day.

Lesson learned: Plan ahead to maximize time and avoid delays. :)

These are what we did during that day.........

We went back to Charligail @ Damosa
Anne. The Owner of the House.

Preparing for the Shoot
tattoo effect using marker

 Trying out the "air effect" with the electric fan
Hazel in yellow
Cheena in Blue
me in red

Lunch Time!
These two are waiting. They want to eat my  SUNDAE CARAMEL!
While we were eating, we are serenaded by our singer, Vanessa.

Taking pictures before taking videos

Shooting at People's Park

This post is already too long.. hehe

PS: to those whom I tagged in FB (you know who you are), please follow me through Google Friend Connect. The link is at the right side of this page ------------>
I will post here all our activities para FUN. ok? hehe Thanks. Mwuah.

1 comment:

  1. Aaaawwe this looks like so much fun!! I love group projects like these :)

    Kisses! xxx
