Friday, December 23, 2011

December 24th

24th of December

People are very busy preparing for Christmas eve.
Cooking for noche buena.
Wrapping gifts.
Visiting friends.
And last minute Christmas Shopping.

Christmas breeze really filled the air.
But the Question is: Does everybody know the purpose of celebrating Christmas?
For some, YES. For others, NO.
Christmas is not just a time for gift giving.
It is a time of sharing, praying, thanking and forgiving.
The true spirit of Christmas is not represented by material gitfs but what is inside our hearts.
It is also the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, our savior.

The expensive gifts and preparations are useless if the true purpose of Christmas is neglected.
Let's give LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this Christmas.

a Merry Christmas to all!



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    The Big Apple Girl

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