Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve

I know this post is kinda overdue but I think I still have to publish it. It was supposed to be posted last Dec. 25 but I didn't have the time to turn on the computer and update my blog  for the past 3 days.

It was around 8:00 in the evening when we started to drive around downtown to look for people sleeping on the streets with nothing to eat for noche buena. We prepared a little present for them. Something that they could eat and share with their family as they welcome the Christmas Day. It was just a small package but we hope that we made them happy.

My dad started giving gifts to the less fortunate last year. It was only 7 packages then and now it's 14 packages. (his fave number is 7 and he's planning to add 7 more packages each year. so next year [if my dad's resources would allow him], it would be a total of 21 packages to be given on Christmas eve) This is his way to give back and share the blessings he received for the whole year. A way to reach out and make other people happy. It was fulfilling seeing people forming smiles on their faces as they receive our humble gift. There were indeed many homeless people living in the cold streets. Some of them may have not eaten something and just put themselves to sleep so they couldn't think of the hunger. I hope that people would see this situation and help them even in a small way. I know you may think they would become dependent if they would always receive gifts but it is not bad to share. Let's just make sure that they are not being abusive and becoming a parasite. I still believe that it is better to teach them how to catch fish than just to feed them. I am looking forward to see more happy faces next year.


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