Sunday, December 18, 2011

DIY Bracelets for Sale

Christmas break has just started. And since we don't have classes, I am trying to be productive in the weeks to come. I am making DIY accessories as a gift to my cousins and aunts.
Here are some of the bracelets I made.

 P50 only

wrap bracelet ( 2 Layers)
P75 only
P60 only
P55 only

I am planning to open an Online Shop soon but I'm still working on it.
As soon as everything would be settled, I'll just post it here.
 You can buy these bracelets if you want. Available in other colors.
PM me on my facebook account. 
Click here

A perfect gift this Christmas!

If you have time, please visit this Online Shop on Facebook
Shop Now!
Advance Merry Christmas to All! :)