Friday, November 11, 2011

oldies but groovies

October 18, 2011 --- my dad celebrated his 53rd birthday. It was a very special day for him so we invited our relatives and his friends. To avoid the hussle of cooking, we contacted Mila's Catering service for the food. And of course, the party wouldn't be complete without the famous LECHON (ordered from Joey's Lechon.).

For the entertainment, instead of setting up a videoke, my dad opted to have a live band ---
the TREND NI DAD  band.
  • Tito Boy T. and Tito Loloy -- guitarists
  • Tito Boy I. -- bassist
  • my DAD as the DRUMMER
 I forgot to charge our camera. I used my phone while waiting. 
bad audio. tsk3
My Dad really loves music.
It is his dream to have a band and it is a dream came true.

My Dad really enjoyed his birthday party!

They have already performed in birthdays, parties and other special gatherings.
I was supposed to upload videos from my camera but there was something wrong with our computer. It cannot read the memory card. ( time to update our PC) How sad...! The videos there have better audios.
smile! :) 

Monday, November 07, 2011

first post

i am not really blogger. i don't have plans of making a blog account because i don't have much to say or share to you guys. but for the sake of complying a requirement in school, i created an account anyway. will this blog be kept updated?? i'm not sure. but i'll try, i think it's fun to share my thoughts. that's all for tonight. GOOD NIGHT..